In Memory of Someone
To make a donation in honor of or in memory of someone go to the donation page, fill the donation form as you normally would, check the box next to “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone”, fill in the required information about the person, then click on next to continue to the payment options page. The donation will then be acknowledged and viewed as a memoriam donation.

1. Is this donation tax deductible?
Checks/donations can be made payable to:
Meals on Wheels Foundation of Northern Illinois
7222 W. Cermak Rd.,
North Riverside, IL 60546
2. Want to make an in-kind donation?
3. Where should checks/donations be sent, and how should they be made payable?
Meals on Wheels Foundation of Northern Illinois
7222 W. Cermak Rd.,
North Riverside, IL 60546
4. How can I give through PayPal?